2013-03-20 11:23:54 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import with_statement
__license__ = ' GPL v3 '
# Standard Python modules.
import os , sys , re , hashlib
# PyQT4 modules (part of calibre).
from PyQt4 . Qt import ( Qt , QWidget , QHBoxLayout , QVBoxLayout , QLabel , QLineEdit ,
QGroupBox , QPushButton , QListWidget , QListWidgetItem ,
QAbstractItemView , QIcon , QDialog , QUrl , QString )
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import zipfile
from zipfile import ZipFile
# calibre modules and constants.
from calibre . gui2 import ( error_dialog , question_dialog , info_dialog , open_url ,
choose_dir , choose_files )
from calibre . utils . config import dynamic , config_dir , JSONConfig
from calibre . constants import iswindows , isosx
# modules from this plugin's zipfile.
from calibre_plugins . dedrm . __init__ import PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION
from calibre_plugins . dedrm . __init__ import RESOURCE_NAME as help_file_name
from calibre_plugins . dedrm . utilities import ( uStrCmp , DETAILED_MESSAGE )
import calibre_plugins . dedrm . dialogs as dialogs
JSON_NAME = PLUGIN_NAME . strip ( ) . lower ( ) . replace ( ' ' , ' _ ' )
JSON_PATH = os . path . join ( u " plugins " , JSON_NAME + ' .json ' )
OLDKINDLEPLUGINNAME = " K4PC, K4Mac, Kindle Mobi and Topaz DeDRM "
# This is where all preferences for this plugin will be stored
# You should always prefix your config file name with plugins/,
# so as to ensure you dont accidentally clobber a calibre config file
dedrmprefs = JSONConfig ( JSON_PATH )
# get prefs from older tools
kindleprefs = JSONConfig ( os . path . join ( u " plugins " , u " K4MobiDeDRM " ) )
ignobleprefs = JSONConfig ( os . path . join ( u " plugins " , u " ignoble_epub_dedrm " ) )
# Set defaults for the prefs
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' configured ' ] = False
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' bandnkeys ' ] = { }
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' adeptkeys ' ] = { }
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] = { }
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' kindlekeys ' ] = { }
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' pids ' ] = [ ]
dedrmprefs . defaults [ ' serials ' ] = [ ]
class ConfigWidget ( QWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , plugin_path ) :
QWidget . __init__ ( self )
self . plugin_path = plugin_path
# get copy of the prefs from the file
# Otherwise we seem to get a persistent local copy.
self . dedrmprefs = JSONConfig ( JSON_PATH )
self . tempdedrmprefs = { }
self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] = self . dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] . copy ( )
self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] = self . dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] . copy ( )
self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] = self . dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] . copy ( )
self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] = self . dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] . copy ( )
self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] = list ( self . dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] )
self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] = list ( self . dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] )
# Start Qt Gui dialog layout
layout = QVBoxLayout ( self )
self . setLayout ( layout )
help_layout = QHBoxLayout ( )
layout . addLayout ( help_layout )
# Add hyperlink to a help file at the right. We will replace the correct name when it is clicked.
help_label = QLabel ( ' <a href= " http://www.foo.com/ " >Plugin Help</a> ' , self )
help_label . setTextInteractionFlags ( Qt . LinksAccessibleByMouse | Qt . LinksAccessibleByKeyboard )
help_label . setAlignment ( Qt . AlignRight )
help_label . linkActivated . connect ( self . help_link_activated )
help_layout . addWidget ( help_label )
keys_group_box = QGroupBox ( _ ( ' Configuration: ' ) , self )
layout . addWidget ( keys_group_box )
keys_group_box_layout = QHBoxLayout ( )
keys_group_box . setLayout ( keys_group_box_layout )
button_layout = QVBoxLayout ( )
keys_group_box_layout . addLayout ( button_layout )
self . bandn_button = QtGui . QPushButton ( self )
self . bandn_button . setToolTip ( _ ( u " Click to manage keys for Barnes and Noble ebooks " ) )
self . bandn_button . setText ( u " Barnes and Noble ebooks " )
self . bandn_button . clicked . connect ( self . bandn_keys )
self . kindle_serial_button = QtGui . QPushButton ( self )
self . kindle_serial_button . setToolTip ( _ ( u " Click to manage eInk Kindle serial numbers for Kindle ebooks " ) )
self . kindle_serial_button . setText ( u " eInk Kindle ebooks " )
self . kindle_serial_button . clicked . connect ( self . kindle_serials )
self . kindle_key_button = QtGui . QPushButton ( self )
self . kindle_key_button . setToolTip ( _ ( u " Click to manage keys for Kindle for Mac/PC ebooks " ) )
self . kindle_key_button . setText ( u " Kindle for Mac/PC ebooks " )
self . kindle_key_button . clicked . connect ( self . kindle_keys )
self . adept_button = QtGui . QPushButton ( self )
self . adept_button . setToolTip ( _ ( u " Click to manage keys for Adobe Digital Editions ebooks " ) )
self . adept_button . setText ( u " Adobe Digital Editions ebooks " )
self . adept_button . clicked . connect ( self . adept_keys )
self . mobi_button = QtGui . QPushButton ( self )
self . mobi_button . setToolTip ( _ ( u " Click to manage PIDs for Mobipocket ebooks " ) )
self . mobi_button . setText ( u " Mobipocket ebooks " )
self . mobi_button . clicked . connect ( self . mobi_keys )
self . ereader_button = QtGui . QPushButton ( self )
self . ereader_button . setToolTip ( _ ( u " Click to manage keys for eReader ebooks " ) )
self . ereader_button . setText ( u " eReader ebooks " )
self . ereader_button . clicked . connect ( self . ereader_keys )
button_layout . addWidget ( self . kindle_serial_button )
button_layout . addWidget ( self . bandn_button )
button_layout . addWidget ( self . mobi_button )
button_layout . addWidget ( self . ereader_button )
button_layout . addWidget ( self . adept_button )
button_layout . addWidget ( self . kindle_key_button )
self . resize ( self . sizeHint ( ) )
def kindle_serials ( self ) :
d = dialogs . ManageKeysDialog ( self , u " EInk Kindle Serial Number " , self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] , dialogs . AddSerialDialog )
d . exec_ ( )
def kindle_keys ( self ) :
d = dialogs . ManageKeysDialog ( self , u " Kindle for Mac and PC Key " , self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] , dialogs . AddKindleDialog , ' k4i ' )
d . exec_ ( )
def adept_keys ( self ) :
d = dialogs . ManageKeysDialog ( self , u " Adobe Digital Editions Key " , self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] , dialogs . AddAdeptDialog , ' der ' )
d . exec_ ( )
def mobi_keys ( self ) :
d = dialogs . ManageKeysDialog ( self , u " Mobipocket PID " , self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] , dialogs . AddPIDDialog )
d . exec_ ( )
def bandn_keys ( self ) :
d = dialogs . ManageKeysDialog ( self , u " Barnes and Noble Key " , self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] , dialogs . AddBandNKeyDialog , ' b64 ' )
d . exec_ ( )
def ereader_keys ( self ) :
d = dialogs . ManageKeysDialog ( self , u " eReader Key " , self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] , dialogs . AddEReaderDialog , ' b63 ' )
d . exec_ ( )
def help_link_activated ( self , url ) :
def get_help_file_resource ( ) :
# Copy the HTML helpfile to the plugin directory each time the
# link is clicked in case the helpfile is updated in newer plugins.
file_path = os . path . join ( config_dir , u " plugins " , u " DeDRM " , u " help " , help_file_name )
with open ( file_path , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( self . load_resource ( help_file_name ) )
return file_path
url = ' file:/// ' + get_help_file_resource ( )
open_url ( QUrl ( url ) )
def save_settings ( self ) :
self . dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] = self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ]
self . dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] = self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ]
self . dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] = self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ]
self . dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] = self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ]
self . dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] = self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ]
self . dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] = self . tempdedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ]
self . dedrmprefs [ ' configured ' ] = True
def load_resource ( self , name ) :
with ZipFile ( self . plugin_path , ' r ' ) as zf :
if name in zf . namelist ( ) :
return zf . read ( name )
return " "
def writeprefs ( value = True ) :
dedrmprefs [ ' configured ' ] = value
def addnamedvaluetoprefs ( prefkind , keyname , keyvalue ) :
try :
if keyvalue not in dedrmprefs [ prefkind ] . values ( ) :
# ensure that the keyname is unique
# by adding a number (starting with 2) to the name if it is not
namecount = 1
newname = keyname
while newname in dedrmprefs [ prefkind ] :
namecount + = 1
newname = " {0:s} _ {1:d} " . format ( keyname , namecount )
# add to the preferences
dedrmprefs [ prefkind ] [ newname ] = keyvalue
return ( True , newname )
except :
return ( False , keyname )
def addvaluetoprefs ( prefkind , prefsvalue ) :
# ensure the keyvalue isn't already in the preferences
if prefsvalue not in dedrmprefs [ prefkind ] :
dedrmprefs [ prefkind ] . append ( prefsvalue )
return True
return False
def convertprefs ( always = False ) :
def parseIgnobleString ( keystuff ) :
2013-03-26 17:38:18 +01:00
import calibre_plugins . dedrm . ignoblekeygen as bandn
2013-03-20 11:23:54 +01:00
userkeys = { }
ar = keystuff . split ( ' : ' )
for i , keystring in enumerate ( ar ) :
try :
name , ccn = keystring . split ( ' , ' )
# Generate Barnes & Noble EPUB user key from name and credit card number.
keyname = u " {0} _ {1} _ {2:d} " . format ( name . strip ( ) , ccn . strip ( ) [ - 4 : ] , i + 1 )
keyvalue = bandn . generate_key ( name , ccn )
if keyvalue not in userkeys . values ( ) :
while keyname in dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] :
keyname = keyname + keyname [ - 1 ]
userkeys [ keyname ] = keyvalue
except Exception , e :
print e . args [ 0 ]
return userkeys
def parseeReaderString ( keystuff ) :
2013-03-26 17:38:18 +01:00
import calibre_plugins . dedrm . erdr2pml as ereader
2013-03-20 11:23:54 +01:00
userkeys = { }
ar = keystuff . split ( ' : ' )
for i , keystring in enumerate ( ar ) :
try :
name , cc = keystring . split ( ' , ' )
# Generate eReader user key from name and credit card number.
keyname = u " {0} _ {1} _ {2:d} " . format ( name . strip ( ) , cc . strip ( ) [ - 4 : ] , i + 1 )
keyvalue = ereader . getuser_key ( name , cc ) . encode ( ' hex ' )
if keyvalue not in userkeys . values ( ) :
while keyname in dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] :
keyname = keyname + keyname [ - 1 ]
userkeys [ keyname ] = keyvalue
except Exception , e :
print e . args [ 0 ]
return userkeys
def parseKindleString ( keystuff ) :
pids = [ ]
serials = [ ]
ar = keystuff . split ( ' , ' )
for keystring in ar :
keystring = str ( keystring ) . strip ( ) . replace ( " " , " " )
if len ( keystring ) == 10 or len ( keystring ) == 8 and keystring not in pids :
pids . append ( keystring )
elif len ( keystring ) == 16 and keystring [ 0 ] == ' B ' and keystring not in serials :
serials . append ( keystring )
return ( pids , serials )
def addConfigFiles ( extension , prefskey , encoding = ' ' ) :
# get any files with extension 'extension' in the config dir
files = [ f for f in os . listdir ( config_dir ) if f . endswith ( extension ) ]
try :
priorkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ prefskey ] )
for filename in files :
fpath = os . path . join ( config_dir , filename )
key = os . path . splitext ( filename ) [ 0 ]
value = open ( fpath , ' rb ' ) . read ( )
if encoding is not ' ' :
value = value . encode ( encoding )
if value not in dedrmprefs [ prefskey ] . values ( ) :
while key in dedrmprefs [ prefskey ] :
key = key + key [ - 1 ]
dedrmprefs [ prefskey ] [ key ] = value
return len ( dedrmprefs [ prefskey ] ) - priorkeycount
except IOError :
return - 1
if ( not always ) and dedrmprefs [ ' configured ' ] :
# We've already converted old preferences,
# and we're not being forced to do it again, so just return
# initialise
# we must actually set the prefs that are dictionaries and lists
# to empty dictionaries and lists, otherwise we are unable to add to them
# as then it just adds to the (memory only) dedrmprefs.defaults versions!
if dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] == { } :
dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] = { }
if dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] == { } :
dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] = { }
if dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] == { } :
dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] = { }
if dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] == { } :
dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] = { }
if dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] == [ ] :
dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] = [ ]
if dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] == [ ] :
dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] = [ ]
# get default adobe adept key(s)
2013-03-26 17:38:18 +01:00
import calibre_plugins . dedrm . adobekey as adobe
2013-03-20 11:23:54 +01:00
priorkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] )
try :
defaultkeys = adobe . adeptkeys ( )
except :
2013-03-26 17:38:18 +01:00
import traceback
traceback . print_exc ( )
2013-03-20 11:23:54 +01:00
defaultkeys = [ ]
defaultcount = 1
for keyvalue in defaultkeys :
keyname = u " default_key_ {0:d} " . format ( defaultcount )
keyvaluehex = keyvalue . encode ( ' hex ' )
if keyvaluehex not in dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] . values ( ) :
while keyname in dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] :
defaultcount + = 1
keyname = u " default_key_ {0:d} " . format ( defaultcount )
dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] [ keyname ] = keyvaluehex
addedkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' adeptkeys ' ] ) - priorkeycount
if addedkeycount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} Default Adobe Adept {3} found. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedkeycount , u " key " if addedkeycount == 1 else u " keys " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
2013-03-26 17:38:18 +01:00
# get default kindle key(s)
import calibre_plugins . dedrm . kindlekey as amazon
2013-03-20 11:23:54 +01:00
priorkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] )
try :
defaultkeys = amazon . kindlekeys ( )
except :
defaultkeys = [ ]
defaultcount = 1
for keyvalue in defaultkeys :
keyname = u " default_key_ {0:d} " . format ( defaultcount )
if keyvalue not in dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] . values ( ) :
while keyname in dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] :
defaultcount + = 1
keyname = u " default_key_ {0:d} " . format ( defaultcount )
dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] [ keyname ] = keyvalue
addedkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' kindlekeys ' ] ) - priorkeycount
if addedkeycount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} Default Kindle for Mac/PC {3} found. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedkeycount , u " key " if addedkeycount == 1 else u " keys " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
print u " {0} v {1} : Importing configuration data from old DeDRM plugins " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )
# Handle the old ignoble plugin's customization string by converting the
# old string to stored keys... get that personal data out of plain sight.
from calibre . customize . ui import config
sc = config [ ' plugin_customization ' ]
val = sc . pop ( IGNOBLEPLUGINNAME , None )
if val is not None :
print u " {0} v {1} : Converting old Ignoble plugin configuration string. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )
priorkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] )
userkeys = parseIgnobleString ( str ( val ) )
for key in userkeys :
value = userkeys [ key ]
if value not in dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] . values ( ) :
while key in dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] :
key = key + key [ - 1 ]
dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] [ key ] = value
addedkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] ) - priorkeycount
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} Barnes and Noble {3} imported from old Ignoble plugin configuration string " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedkeycount , u " key " if addedkeycount == 1 else u " keys " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
# Handle the old eReader plugin's customization string by converting the
# old string to stored keys... get that personal data out of plain sight.
val = sc . pop ( EREADERPLUGINNAME , None )
if val is not None :
print u " {0} v {1} : Converting old eReader plugin configuration string. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )
priorkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] )
userkeys = parseeReaderString ( str ( val ) )
for key in userkeys :
value = userkeys [ key ]
if value not in dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] . values ( ) :
while key in dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] :
key = key + key [ - 1 ]
dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] [ key ] = value
addedkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' ereaderkeys ' ] ) - priorkeycount
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} eReader {3} imported from old eReader plugin configuration string " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedkeycount , u " key " if addedkeycount == 1 else u " keys " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
# get old Kindle plugin configuration string
val = sc . pop ( OLDKINDLEPLUGINNAME , None )
if val is not None :
print u " {0} v {1} : Converting old Kindle plugin configuration string. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )
priorpidcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] )
priorserialcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] )
pids , serials = parseKindleString ( val )
for pid in pids :
if pid not in dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] :
dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] . append ( pid )
for serial in serials :
if serial not in dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] :
dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] . append ( serial )
addedpidcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] ) - priorpidcount
addedserialcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] ) - priorserialcount
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} {3} and {4:d} {5} imported from old Kindle plugin configuration string. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedpidcount , u " PID " if addedpidcount == 1 else u " PIDs " , addedserialcount , u " serial number " if addedserialcount == 1 else u " serial numbers " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
# copy the customisations back into calibre preferences, as we've now removed the nasty plaintext
config [ ' plugin_customization ' ] = sc
# get any .b64 files in the config dir
ignoblecount = addConfigFiles ( ' .b64 ' , ' bandnkeys ' )
if ignoblecount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} Barnes and Noble {3} imported from config folder. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , ignoblecount , u " key file " if ignoblecount == 1 else u " key files " )
elif ignoblecount < 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : Error reading Barnes & Noble keyfiles from config directory. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
# get any .der files in the config dir
ineptcount = addConfigFiles ( ' .der ' , ' adeptkeys ' , ' hex ' )
if ineptcount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} Adobe Adept {3} imported from config folder. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , ineptcount , u " keyfile " if ineptcount == 1 else u " keyfiles " )
elif ineptcount < 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : Error reading Adobe Adept keyfiles from config directory. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
# get ignoble json prefs
if ' keys ' in ignobleprefs :
priorkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] )
for key in ignobleprefs [ ' keys ' ] :
value = ignobleprefs [ ' keys ' ] [ key ]
if value not in dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] . values ( ) :
while key in dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] :
key = key + key [ - 1 ]
dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] [ key ] = value
addedkeycount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' bandnkeys ' ] ) - priorkeycount
# no need to delete old prefs, since they contain no recoverable private data
if addedkeycount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} Barnes and Noble {3} imported from Ignoble plugin preferences. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedkeycount , u " key " if addedkeycount == 1 else u " keys " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( False )
# get kindle json prefs
priorpidcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] )
priorserialcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] )
if ' pids ' in kindleprefs :
pids , serials = parseKindleString ( kindleprefs [ ' pids ' ] )
for pid in pids :
if pid not in dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] :
dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] . append ( pid )
if ' serials ' in kindleprefs :
pids , serials = parseKindleString ( kindleprefs [ ' serials ' ] )
for serial in serials :
if serial not in dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] :
dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] . append ( serial )
addedpidcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' pids ' ] ) - priorpidcount
if addedpidcount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} {3} imported from Kindle plugin preferences " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedpidcount , u " PID " if addedpidcount == 1 else u " PIDs " )
addedserialcount = len ( dedrmprefs [ ' serials ' ] ) - priorserialcount
if addedserialcount > 0 :
print u " {0} v {1} : {2:d} {3} imported from Kindle plugin preferences " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION , addedserialcount , u " serial number " if addedserialcount == 1 else u " serial numbers " )
# Make the json write all the prefs to disk
writeprefs ( )
print u " {0} v {1} : Finished setting up configuration data. " . format ( PLUGIN_NAME , PLUGIN_VERSION )