Christophe de Dinechin de7ac35ab4 simulator: Avoid high CPU usage when a timer is active
An active timer when calling `sys_sleep()` would keep bringing the
function out of the loop without calling `nanosleep`, which defeats
the purpose of that function to actually sleep.

The solution is to only take a timer into account if it triggered
while the function was running.

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <christophe@dinechin.org>
2024-06-27 17:55:59 +02:00

1108 lines
27 KiB

// ****************************************************************************
// dmcp.cpp DB48X project
// ****************************************************************************
// File Description:
// A fake DMCP implementation with the functions we use in the simulator
// ****************************************************************************
// (C) 2022 Christophe de Dinechin <christophe@dinechin.org>
// This software is licensed under the terms outlined in LICENSE.txt
// ****************************************************************************
// This file is part of DB48X.
// DB48X is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms outlined in the LICENSE.txt file
// DB48X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// ****************************************************************************
#include "dmcp.h"
#include "dmcp_fonts.c"
#include "recorder.h"
#include "sim-dmcp.h"
#include "target.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
RECORDER(dmcp, 64, "DMCP system calls");
RECORDER(dmcp_error, 64, "DMCP errors");
RECORDER(dmcp_warning, 64, "DMCP warnings");
RECORDER(dmcp_notyet, 64, "DMCP features that are not yet implemented");
RECORDER(keys, 64, "DMCP key handling");
RECORDER(keys_empty, 64, "DMCP key_empty() call");
RECORDER(keys_warning, 64, "Warnings related to key handling");
RECORDER(lcd, 64, "DMCP lcd/display functions");
RECORDER(lcd_refresh, 64, "DMCP lcd/display refresh");
RECORDER(lcd_width, 64, "Width of strings and chars");
RECORDER(lcd_warning, 64, "Warnings from lcd/display functions");
#undef ppgm_fp
extern bool run_tests;
extern bool noisy_tests;
uint lcd_refresh_requested = 0;
int lcd_buf_cleared_result = 0;
pixword lcd_buffer[LCD_SCANLINE * LCD_H * color::BPP / 32];
bool shift_held = false;
bool alt_held = false;
// Eliminate a really cumbersome warning
#define DS_INIT \
.x = 0, \
.y = 0, \
.ln_offs = 0, \
.y_top_grd = 0, \
.ya = 0, \
.yb = 0, \
.xspc = 0, \
.xoffs = 0, \
.fixed = 0, \
.inv = 0, \
.bgfill = 0, \
.lnfill = 0, \
.newln = 0, \
.post_offs = 0
static disp_stat_t t20_ds = { .f = &lib_mono_10x17, DS_INIT };
static disp_stat_t t24_ds = { .f = &lib_mono_12x20, DS_INIT };
static disp_stat_t fReg_ds = { .f = &lib_mono_17x25, DS_INIT };
static FIL ppgm_fp_file;
sys_sdb_t sdb =
// Can't even use .field notation here because all fields are #defined!
/* calc_state */ 0,
/* ppgm_fp */ &ppgm_fp_file,
/* key_to_alpha_table */ nullptr,
/* run_menu_item_app */ nullptr,
/* menu_line_str_app */ nullptr,
/* after_fat_format */ nullptr,
/* get_flag_dmy */ nullptr,
/* set_flag_dmy */ nullptr,
/* is_flag_clk24 */ nullptr,
/* set_flag_clk24 */ nullptr,
/* is_beep_mute */ nullptr,
/* set_beep_mute */ nullptr,
/* pds_t20 */ &t20_ds,
/* pds_t24 */ &t24_ds,
/* pds_fReg */ &fReg_ds,
/* timer2_counter */ nullptr,
/* timer3_counter */ nullptr,
/* msc_end_cb */ nullptr
void LCD_power_off(int UNUSED clear)
record(dmcp, "LCD_power_off");
void LCD_power_on()
record(dmcp, "LCD_power_on");
uint32_t read_power_voltage()
return ui_battery() * (BATTERY_VMAX - BATTERY_VMIN) / 1000 + BATTERY_VMIN;
int get_lowbat_state()
return read_power_voltage() < BATTERY_VLOW;
int usb_powered()
return ui_charging();
int create_screenshot(int report_error)
"create_screenshot(%d) not implemented", report_error);
return 0;
void draw_power_off_image(int allow_errors)
"draw_power_off_image(%d) not implemented", allow_errors);
int handle_menu(const smenu_t * menu_id, int action, int cur_line)
uint menu_line = 0;
bool done = false;
while (!done)
t24->xoffs = 0;
lcd_putsR(t20, menu_id->name);
char buf[80];
uint count = 0;
while (menu_id->items[count])
for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
uint8_t mid = menu_id->items[i];
cstring label = menu_line_str_app(mid, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (!label)
label = "Unimplemented DMCP menu";
case MI_MSC: label = "Activate USB Disk"; break;
case MI_PGM_LOAD: label = "Load Program"; break;
case MI_LOAD_QSPI: label = "Load QSPI from FAT"; break;
case MI_SYSTEM_ENTER: label = "System >"; break;
case MI_SET_TIME: label = "Set Time >"; break;
case MI_SET_DATE: label = "Set Date >"; break;
case MI_BEEP_MUTE: label = "Beep Mute"; break;
case MI_SLOW_AUTOREP: label = "Slow Autorepeat"; break;
case MI_DISK_INFO: label = "Show Disk Info"; break;
t24->inv = i == menu_line;
lcd_printAt(t24, i+1, "%u. %s", i+1, label);
bool redraw = false;
while (!redraw)
while (!test_command && key_empty())
if (test_command)
return 0;
int key = key_pop();
uint wanted = 0;
switch (key)
case KEY_UP:
if (menu_line > 0)
redraw = true;
case KEY_DOWN:
if (menu_line + 1 < count)
redraw = true;
case KEY_1: wanted = 1; break;
case KEY_2: wanted = 2; break;
case KEY_3: wanted = 3; break;
case KEY_4: wanted = 4; break;
case KEY_5: wanted = 5; break;
case KEY_6: wanted = 6; break;
case KEY_7: wanted = 7; break;
case KEY_8: wanted = 8; break;
case KEY_9: wanted = 9; break;
case -1:
// Signals that main application is exiting, leave all dialogs
case KEY_EXIT:
redraw = true;
done = true;
redraw = true;
if (wanted)
if (wanted <= count)
menu_line = wanted - 1;
redraw = true;
return 0;
volatile int8_t keys[4] = { 0 };
volatile uint keyrd = 0;
volatile uint keywr = 0;
enum { nkeys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]) };
int key_empty()
static bool empty = true;
if ((keyrd == keywr) != empty)
"Key empty %u-%u = %+s",
keyrd == keywr ? "empty" : "full");
empty = keyrd == keywr;
return keyrd == keywr;
int key_remaining()
return nkeys - (keywr - keyrd);
int key_pop()
if (keyrd != keywr)
int key = keys[keyrd++ % nkeys];
record(keys, "Key %d (rd %u wr %u)", key, keyrd, keywr);
record(tests_rpl, "Key %d (rd %u wr %u)", key, keyrd, keywr);
return key;
return -1;
int key_tail()
if (keyrd != keywr)
return keys[(keyrd + nkeys - 1) % nkeys];
return -1;
int key_pop_last()
if (keywr - keyrd > 1)
keyrd = keywr - 1;
if (keyrd != keywr)
return keys[keyrd++ % nkeys];
return -1;
void key_pop_all()
keyrd = 0;
keywr = 0;
int key_push(int k)
record(keys, "Push key %d (wr %u rd %u) shifts=%+s",
k, keywr, keyrd,
shift_held ? alt_held ? "Shift+Alt" : "Shift"
: alt_held ? "Alt" : "None");
if (keywr - keyrd < nkeys)
keys[keywr++ % nkeys] = k;
record(keys_warning, "Dropped key %d (wr %u rd %u)", k, keywr, keyrd);
record(keys, "Pushed key %d (wr %u rd %u)", k, keywr, keyrd);
return keywr - keyrd < nkeys;
int read_key(int *k1, int *k2)
uint count = keywr - keyrd;
if (shift_held || alt_held)
*k1 = keys[(keywr - 1) % nkeys];
if (*k1)
*k2 = shift_held ? KEY_UP : KEY_DOWN;
return 2;
if (count > 1)
*k1 = keys[(keywr - 2) % nkeys];
*k2 = keys[(keywr - 1) % nkeys];
record(keys, "read_key has two keys %d and %d", *k1, *k2);
return 2;
if (count > 0)
*k1 = keys[(keywr - 1) % nkeys];
*k2 = 0;
return 1;
*k1 = *k2 = 0;
return 0;
int sys_last_key()
return keys[(keywr - 1) % nkeys];
int runner_get_key(int *repeat)
return repeat ? key_pop_last() : key_pop();
void lcd_clear_buf()
record(lcd, "Clearing buffer");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(lcd_buffer) / sizeof(*lcd_buffer); i++)
lcd_buffer[i] = pattern::white.bits;
static uint32_t last_warning = 0;
inline void lcd_set_pixel(int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x > LCD_W || y < 0 || y > LCD_H)
uint now = sys_current_ms();
if (now - last_warning > 1000)
record(lcd_warning, "Clearing pixel at (%d, %d)", x, y);
last_warning = now;
surface s(lcd_buffer, LCD_W, LCD_H, LCD_SCANLINE);
s.fill(x, y, x, y, pattern::black);
inline void lcd_clear_pixel(int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x > LCD_W || y < 0 || y > LCD_H)
uint now = sys_current_ms();
if (now - last_warning > 1000)
record(lcd_warning, "Setting pixel at (%d, %d)", x, y);
last_warning = now;
surface s(lcd_buffer, LCD_W, LCD_H, LCD_SCANLINE);
s.fill(x, y, x, y, pattern::white);
inline void lcd_pixel(int x, int y, int val)
if (!val)
lcd_set_pixel(x, y);
lcd_clear_pixel(x, y);
void lcd_draw_menu_keys(const char *keys[])
int my = LCD_H - t20->f->height - 4;
int mh = t20->f->height + 2;
int mw = (LCD_W - 10) / 6;
int sp = (LCD_W - 5) - 6 * mw;
t20->inv = 1;
t20->lnfill = 0;
t20->bgfill = 1;
t20->newln = 0;
t20->y = my + 1;
record(lcd, "Menu [%s][%s][%s][%s][%s][%s]",
keys[0], keys[1], keys[2], keys[3], keys[4], keys[5]);
for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
int x = (2 * m + 1) * mw / 2 + (m * sp) / 5 + 2;
lcd_fill_rect(x - mw/2+2, my, mw-4, mh, 1);
lcd_fill_rect(x - mw/2+1, my+1, mw-2, mh-2, 1);
lcd_fill_rect(x - mw/2, my+2, mw, mh-4, 1);
// Truncate the menu to fit
// Note that DMCP is NOT robust to overflow here and can die
int size = 11;
int w = 0;
char buffer[12];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.*s", size, keys[m]);
w = lcd_textWidth(t20, buffer);
} while (w > mw);
if (size < (int) strlen(keys[m]))
"Menu entry %d [%s] is too long "
"(%d chars lost, shows as [%s])",
m, keys[m], (int) strlen(keys[m]) - size + 1, buffer);
t20->x = x - w / 2;
lcd_puts(t20, buffer);
t20->lnfill = 1;
t20->inv = 0;
void lcd_fill_rect(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int val)
if (val)
record(lcd, "Fill rectangle (%u,%u) + (%u, %u)", x, y, w, h);
record(lcd, "Clear rectangle (%u,%u) + (%u, %u)", x, y, w, h);
if (x + w > LCD_W)
"Rectangle X is outside screen (%u, %u) + (%u, %u)",
x, y, w, h);
w = LCD_W - x;
if (w > LCD_W)
x = w = 0;
if (y +h > LCD_H)
"Rectangle Y is outside screen (%u, %u) + (%u, %u)",
x, y, w, h);
h = LCD_W - y;
if (h > LCD_W)
y = h = 0;
for (uint r = y; r < y + h; r++)
for (uint c = x; c < x + w; c++)
lcd_pixel(c, r, val);
int lcd_fontWidth(disp_stat_t * ds)
return ds->f->width;
int lcd_for_calc(int what)
record(dmcp_notyet, "lcd_for_calc %d not implemented", what);
return 0;
int lcd_get_buf_cleared()
record(lcd, "get_buf_cleared returns %d", lcd_buf_cleared_result);
return lcd_buf_cleared_result;
int lcd_lineHeight(disp_stat_t * ds)
return ds->f->height;
uint8_t * lcd_line_addr(int y)
if (y < 0 || y > LCD_H)
record(lcd_warning, "lcd_line_addr(%d), line is out of range", y);
y = 0;
blitter::offset offset = y * LCD_SCANLINE * color::BPP / 32;
return (uint8_t *) (lcd_buffer + offset);
int lcd_toggleFontT(int nr)
return nr;
int lcd_nextFontNr(int nr)
if (nr < (int) dmcp_fonts_count - 1)
nr = dmcp_fonts_count - 1;
return nr;
int lcd_prevFontNr(int nr)
if (nr > 0)
nr = 0;
return nr;
void lcd_prevLn(disp_stat_t * ds)
ds->y -= lcd_lineHeight(ds);
ds->x = ds->xoffs;
void lcd_print(disp_stat_t * ds, const char* fmt, ...)
static char buffer[256];
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
lcd_puts(ds, buffer);
void lcd_forced_refresh()
record(lcd, "Forced refresh requested %u drawn %u",
lcd_refresh_requested, ui_refresh_count());
void lcd_refresh()
record(lcd, "Normal refresh requested %u drawn %u",
lcd_refresh_requested, ui_refresh_count());
void lcd_refresh_dma()
record(lcd, "DMA refresh requested %u drawn %u",
lcd_refresh_requested, ui_refresh_count());
record(lcd_refresh, "Refresh DMA %u", lcd_refresh_requested);
void lcd_refresh_wait()
record(lcd, "Wait refresh requested %u drawn %u",
lcd_refresh_requested, ui_refresh_count());
void lcd_refresh_lines(int ln, int cnt)
record(lcd_refresh, "Refresh lines (%d-%d) count %d, requested %u drawn %u",
ln, ln+cnt-1, cnt,
lcd_refresh_requested, ui_refresh_count());
if (ln >= 0 && cnt > 0)
void lcd_setLine(disp_stat_t * ds, int ln_nr)
ds->x = ds->xoffs;;
ds->y = ln_nr * lcd_lineHeight(ds);
record(lcd, "set line %u coord (%d, %d)", ln_nr, ds->x, ds->y);
void lcd_setXY(disp_stat_t * ds, int x, int y)
record(lcd, "set XY (%d, %d)", x, y);
ds->x = x;
ds->y = y;
void lcd_set_buf_cleared(int val)
record(lcd, "Set buffer cleared %d", val);
lcd_buf_cleared_result = val;
void lcd_switchFont(disp_stat_t * ds, int nr)
record(lcd, "Selected font %d", nr);
if (nr >= 0 && nr <= (int) dmcp_fonts_count)
ds->f = dmcp_fonts[nr];
int lcd_charWidth(disp_stat_t * ds, int c)
int width = 0;
const line_font_t *f = ds->f;
byte first = f->first_char;
byte count = f->char_cnt;
const uint16_t *offs = f->offs;
const uint8_t *data = f->data;
uint xspc = ds->xspc;
c -= first;
if (c >= 0 && c < count)
uint off = offs[c];
width += data[off + 0] + data[off + 2] + xspc;
"Character width of %c (%d=0x%x) is %d",
c + first, c + first, c + first, width);
record(lcd_width, "Character width of nonexistent %d is %d", c, width);
return width;
int lcd_textWidth(disp_stat_t * ds, const char* text)
int width = 0;
byte c;
const line_font_t *f = ds->f;
byte first = f->first_char;
byte count = f->char_cnt;
const uint16_t *offs = f->offs;
const uint8_t *data = f->data;
uint xspc = ds->xspc;
const byte *p = (const byte *) text;
while ((c = *p++))
c -= first;
if (c < count)
uint off = offs[c];
width += data[off + 0] + data[off + 2] + xspc;
"Nonexistent character %d at offset %d in [%s]",
c + first, p - (const byte *) text, text);
return width;
void lcd_writeClr(disp_stat_t *ds)
record(lcd, "Clearing display state"); // Not sure this is what it does
ds->x = 0; // ds->xoffs;
ds->y = 0;
ds->inv = 0;
ds->bgfill = 1;
ds->lnfill = 1;
ds->newln = 1;
ds->xspc = 1;
void lcd_writeNl(disp_stat_t *ds)
ds->x = ds->xoffs;
ds->y += lcd_lineHeight(ds);
record(lcd, "New line, now at (%d, %d)", ds->x, ds->y);
inline void lcd_writeTextInternal(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text, int write)
uint c;
const line_font_t *f = ds->f;
uint first = f->first_char;
uint count = f->char_cnt;
uint height = f->height;
const uint8_t *data = f->data;
const uint16_t *offs = f->offs;
int xspc = ds->xspc;
int x = ds->x + xspc;
int y = ds->y + ds->ln_offs;
int color = ds->inv == 0;
const byte *p = (const byte *) text;
if (write)
record(lcd, "Write text [%s] at (%d, %d)", text, x, y);
record(lcd, "Skip text [%s] at (%d, %d)", text, x, y);
if (ds->lnfill)
lcd_fill_rect(ds->xoffs, y, LCD_W, height, color);
while ((c = *p++))
c -= first;
if (c < count)
int off = offs[c];
const uint8_t *dp = data + off;
int cx = *dp++;
int cy = *dp++;
int cols = *dp++;
int rows = *dp++;
if (!write)
x += cx + cols;
for (int r = 0; r < cy; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < cx + cols; c++)
lcd_pixel(x+c, y+r, color);
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
int data = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c += 8)
data |= *dp++ << c;
for (int c = 0; c < cx; c++)
lcd_pixel(x+c, y+r, color);
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
int val = (data >> (cols - c - 1)) & 1;
if (val || ds->bgfill)
lcd_pixel(x + c + cx, y + r + cy, val != color);
for (uint r = cy + rows; r < height; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < cx + cols; c++)
lcd_pixel(x+c, y+r, color);
x += cx + cols + xspc;
"Nonexistent character [%d] in [%s] at %d, max=%d",
c + first, text, p - (byte_p) text, count + first);
ds->x = x;
if (ds->newln)
ds->x = ds->xoffs;
ds->y += height;
void lcd_writeText(disp_stat_t * ds, const char* text)
lcd_writeTextInternal(ds, text, 1);
void lcd_writeTextWidth(disp_stat_t * ds, const char* text)
lcd_writeTextInternal(ds, text, 0);
void reset_auto_off()
// No effect
void rtc_wakeup_delay()
record(dmcp_notyet, "rtc_wakeup_delay not implemented");
void run_help_file(const char * help_file)
record(dmcp_notyet, "run_help_file not implemented");
void run_help_file_style(const char * help_file, user_style_fn_t *user_style_fn)
record(dmcp_notyet, "run_help_file_style not implemented");
void start_buzzer_freq(uint32_t freq)
record(dmcp, "start_buzzer %u.%03uHz", freq / 1000, freq % 1000);
if (!tests::running || noisy_tests)
void stop_buzzer()
record(dmcp, "stop_buzzer");
if (!tests::running || noisy_tests)
int sys_free_mem()
// On the simulator, we have real memory
return 1024 * 1024;
void sys_delay(uint32_t ms_delay)
static struct timer
uint32_t deadline;
bool enabled;
} timers[4];
void sys_sleep()
uint32_t entry = sys_current_ms();
while (!test_command && key_empty())
uint32_t now = sys_current_ms();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (timers[i].enabled &&
int(timers[i].deadline - now) < 0 &&
int(timers[i].deadline - entry) >= 0)
goto done;
ui_ms_sleep(tests::running ? 1 : 20);
void sys_critical_start()
void sys_critical_end()
void sys_timer_disable(int timer_ix)
timers[timer_ix].enabled = false;
void sys_timer_start(int timer_ix, uint32_t ms_value)
uint32_t now = sys_current_ms();
uint32_t then = now + ms_value;
timers[timer_ix].deadline = then;
timers[timer_ix].enabled = true;
int sys_timer_active(int timer_ix)
return timers[timer_ix].enabled;
int sys_timer_timeout(int timer_ix)
if (timers[timer_ix].enabled)
uint32_t now = sys_current_ms();
return int(timers[timer_ix].deadline - now) < 0;
return false;
void wait_for_key_press()
while (key_empty() || !key_pop())
// Avoid refreshing the screen
if (test_command == tests::KEYSYNC)
record(tests_rpl, "Blocking screen refresh from wait_for_keypress");
test_command = 0;
else if (test_command)
record(tests_rpl, "Waiting for key interrupted by command %u",
void wait_for_key_release(int tout)
while (!key_empty() && key_pop())
int file_selection_screen(const char *title,
const char *base_dir,
const char *ext,
file_sel_fn_t sel_fn,
int disp_new,
int overwrite_check,
void *data)
int ret = 0;
// Make things relative to the working directory
if (*base_dir == '/' || *base_dir == '\\')
ret = ui_file_selector(title, base_dir, ext,
sel_fn, data,
disp_new, overwrite_check);
return ret;
int power_check_screen()
record(dmcp, "file_selection_screen not imlemented");
return 0;
int sys_disk_ok()
return 1;
int sys_disk_write_enable(int val)
return 0;
uint32_t sys_current_ms()
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return (tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) / 1000;
FRESULT f_open(FIL *fp, const TCHAR *path, BYTE mode)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_open not implemented");
FRESULT f_close(FIL *fp)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_close not implemented");
FRESULT f_read(FIL *fp, void *buff, UINT btr, UINT *br)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_read not implemented");
FRESULT f_write(FIL *fp, const void *buff, UINT btw, UINT *bw)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_write not implemented");
FRESULT f_lseek(FIL *fp, FSIZE_t ofs)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_lseek not implemented");
FRESULT f_rename(const TCHAR *path_old, const TCHAR *path_new)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_rename not implemented");
FRESULT f_unlink(const TCHAR *path)
record(dmcp_notyet, "f_unlink not implemented");
void disp_disk_info(const char *hdr)
void set_reset_state_file(const char * str)
ui_save_setting("state", str);
record(dmcp, "Setting saved state: %s", str);
char *get_reset_state_file()
static char result[256];
result[0] = 0;
ui_read_setting("state", result, sizeof(result));
record(dmcp, "Saved state: %+s", result);
return result;
uint32_t reset_magic = 0;
void set_reset_magic(uint32_t value)
reset_magic = value;
void sys_reset()
int is_menu_auto_off()
return false;
void rtc_read(tm_t * tm, dt_t *dt)
time_t now;
struct tm utm;
localtime_r(&now, &utm);
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
dt->year = 1900 + utm.tm_year;
dt->month = utm.tm_mon + 1;
dt->day = utm.tm_mday;
tm->hour = utm.tm_hour;
tm->min = utm.tm_min;
tm->sec = utm.tm_sec;
tm->csec = tv.tv_usec / 10000;
tm->dow = (utm.tm_wday + 6) % 7;
void rtc_write(tm_t * tm, dt_t *dt)
record(dmcp_error, "Writing RTC %u/%u/%u %u:%u:%u (ignored)",
dt->day, dt->month, dt->year,
tm->hour, tm->min, tm->sec);
cstring get_wday_shortcut(int day)
static cstring dow[] = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
return dow[day];
cstring get_month_shortcut(int month)
static cstring name[] =
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
return name[month - 1];
int check_create_dir(const char * dir)
struct stat st;
if (stat(dir, &st) == 0)
if (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
return 0;
return mkdir(dir, 0777);