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Christophe de Dinechin 2760ad67c7 Add _WCHAR_T_DEFINED for bid_functions.h
Otherwise, this file tries the following, with errors out on all includding

    typedef int wchar_t;

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <>
2023-06-20 15:23:43 +02:00
dmcp Convert main to C++ 2023-06-19 21:56:30 +02:00
doc Add memory-management operations (sto, rcl, purge, mem) 2023-06-19 21:56:32 +02:00
fonts Reimplement bignum as a separate type 2023-06-19 22:08:33 +02:00
help Add a target to install the binary directly 2023-06-19 21:56:30 +02:00
inc Decimal128 objects and related 2023-06-19 21:56:30 +02:00
lib DMCP Version 3.13 2019-05-22 14:19:31 +02:00
recorder@f37893b4f8 Add the recorder library on the simulator 2023-06-19 21:56:31 +02:00
sim Reimplement bignum as a separate type 2023-06-19 22:08:33 +02:00
src Reimplement bignum as a separate type 2023-06-19 22:08:33 +02:00
tools Another pass at font fine-tuning 2023-06-19 22:05:30 +02:00
.clangd Add _WCHAR_T_DEFINED for bid_functions.h 2023-06-20 15:23:43 +02:00
.gitignore Add .gitignore for markdown help file 2023-06-19 21:56:32 +02:00
.gitmodules Change submodule path to https 2023-06-19 21:56:32 +02:00 Updated README and STATUS 2023-06-19 21:56:31 +02:00
LICENSE.txt Initial definition of the runtime and object type 2023-06-19 21:56:30 +02:00
Makefile Reimplement bignum as a separate type 2023-06-19 22:08:33 +02:00 Updated README and STATUS 2023-06-19 21:56:31 +02:00 With the recent changes, we now have Unicode support 2023-06-19 21:56:31 +02:00

DB48X on DM42

The DB48X project intends to rebuild and improve the user experience of the legendary HP48 family of calculators, notably their "Reverse Polish Lisp" (RPL) language with its rich set of data types and built-in functions.

The project in this repository is presently targeting the SwissMicro DM42 calculator, and leveraging its built-in software platform, known as DMCP.

In the long-term, the vision is to be able to port DB48X on a number of different physical calculator platforms, like the ARM-based HP50 and related machines (HP49, HP48Gii, etc), and the HP Prime (at least the G1, since the G2 seems a bit more locked down), maybe others. The basis for that work can be found in the DB48X project.

Why name the project DB48X?

DB stands for "Dave and Bill", who are more commonly known as Hewlett and Packard. The order is reversed compared to HP, since they reportedly chose the order at random, and it's about time Dave Packard was given preeminence.

One of Dave and Bill's great legacy is a legendary series of calculators. The HP48 remains one of my favorites, notably for its rich built-in programming language, known as Reverse Polish Lisp (RPL). This project aims at recreating a decent successor to the HP48, at least in spirit.

State of the project

This is currently UNSTABLE software. Please only consider installing this if you are a developer and interested in contributing.

The detailed current status is described in the STATUS file.

Self-test in the simulator

How to build this project

There is a separate document explaining how to build this project. The simulator includes a test suite, which you should run before submitting patches. To run these tests, pass the -T option to the simulator, or hit the F12 key in the simulator.

Design overview

The objective is to re-create an RPL-like experience, but to optimize it for the existing DM42 physical hardware.

Compared to the original HP48, the DM42 has a much larger screen but all bitmap (no annunciators). It has a keyboard with dedicated soft-menu (function) keys, but has only one shift key, lacks a dedicated alpha key, has no left or right arrow keys (only up and down), and no SPC (space) key.

Keyboard interaction

The keyboard differences force us to revisit the user interaction with the calculator compared to the HP48:

  • The single Shift key cycles between Shift, Alpha and no shift. This double-shift shortcut appears necessary because RPL uses Alpha entry a lot more than the HP42, so making it quickly accessible seems important.

  • It is also possible to enter Alpha mode with Shift ENTER to match the labelling on the DM42. Furthermore, Shift ENTER also cycles between uppercase and lowercase alphabetical entry.

  • Alpha mode is always sticky. In other words, there is no equivalent of the HP48's "single-Alpha" mode. Alpha mode is also exited when pressing ENTER or EXIT.

  • Since the DM42's Alpha keys overlap with the numeric keys, as well as with and × and ÷, using Shift in Alpha mode brings back numbers. This means it cannot be used for lowercase, hence the Shift ENTER shortcut.

  • The less-frequently used Right Shift functions can be accessed with a long-press on Shift.

  • The 🔼 and 🔽 keys are generally interpreted as ◀️ and ▶️ instead. To get 🔼 and 🔽 functionality, use Shift. When not editing, 🔼 and 🔽 behave like they do on the HP48, where 🔼 enters the Interactive stack mode, and 🔽 edits an object.

  • Long-pressing arrow keys, the (Backspace) or text entry keys in Alpha mode activates auto-repeat.

  • Long-pressing keys that would directly trigger a function (e.g. SIN), including function keys associated with a soft-menu, will show up the built-in help for the corresponding function.

  • Some keys that have little use or no direct equivalent for RPL are remapped as follows (note: most of this is not implemented yet):

    • The Σ+ key is used to call MathMenu, which includes submenus for sums and statistics among others
    • Σ- will select the TopMenu, i.e. the top-level menu containing all other menus.
    • XEQ opens an algebraic expression, i.e. it shows '' on the command-line and switches to equation entry. It can be remembered as Execute Equation and can be used to evaluate expressions in algebraic mode instead of RPN. It also activates a menu facilitating algebraic entry, e.g. with shortcuts for parentheses, and symbolic manipulation of sub-expressions.
    • Gto opens the BranchesMenu, with RPL branches and loops, e.g. IF THEN or DO WHILE, as well as conditional tests.
    • Complex will open the ComplexMenu, not just build a complex like on the DM42. The ComplexMenu includes features to enter complex numbers, as well as complex-specific functions like Conjugate.
    • RCL will open the VariablesMenu menu (user variables), except if that menu is already open, in which case it will perform a Recall (RCL) function.
    • % will open the FractionsMenu
    • R↓ will open the StackMenu
    • π will open the ConstantsMenu (π being one of them). Just like in the VariablesMenu, Each constant can either be evaluated by pressing the corresponding function key, or simply named using Shift with the function key. For example, pressing F1 shows an approximate value of π beginning with 3.1415926, whereas Shift F1 shows 'π'. The value of constants in this menu come from a file CONSTANTS.CSV on disk, which makes it possible to add user-defined constants with arbitrary precision.
    • X⇆Y executes the matching Swap function
    • LAST x will open a LastThingsMenu, with options to Undo the last operation, functions like LastX, LastStack, LastArgs, LastKey and LastMenu.
    • +/- executes the equivalent RPL Negate function
    • Modes calls the ModesMenu, with submenus for various settings, including computation precision, display modes, etc.
    • Disp calls the DisplayMenu, with submenus for graphic operations, plotting, shapes, and forms.
    • Clear calls a ClearThingsMenu with options to clear various items, including ClearStack and ClearMenu.
    • Bst and Sst are remapped to moving the cursor Up and Down in text editing mode. In direct mode, Bst selects the Best editor for the object, and Sst selects single-step evaluation.
    • Solver shows the SolverMenu, with submenus for numerical and symbolic solvers.
    • ∫f(x) shows the SymbolicMenu, with symbolic and numerical integration and derivation features.
    • Matrix shows the MatrixMenu with operations on vectors, matrices and tensors.
    • Stat shows the StatisticsMenu
    • Base shows the BasedNumbersMenu, with operations on based numbers, including facilities for entering hexadecimal numbers, temporarily remapping the second row of the DM42 keyboard to enter A, B, C, D, E and F.
    • Convert shows a UnitsMenu with units and and conversion functions.
    • Flags shows the FlagsMenu with operations on user and system flags.
    • Prob shows the PrombabilitiesMenu, with functions such as Factorial, Combinations or Random.
    • Assign makes it possible to assign any function to any key. These special functions are then selected by using Custom before the function. This is the equivalent of the HP48 "User" mode. Selecting Custom twice makes the custom-keys mode sticky. It is also possible to store and evaluate complete keymaps, to match special environment cases. The current keymap is stored in special variable Keymap for the current directory.
    • Pgm.Fcn shows the ProgrammingMenu, with all general-purpose programming functions, categorized as sub-menus
    • Print shows the DevicesMenu, which includes submenus like PrintMenu, FlashStorageMenu. TimeMenu, DateMenu, and AlarmMenu.
    • Exit corresponds to what the HP48 manual calls Attn, and typically cancels the current activity. It can also be used to interrupt a running program.
    • Off shuts down the calculator
    • Setup calls the DM42's built-in SystemMenu, for example to load the original DM42 program, activate USB disk, and a menu-based access to calculator preferences.
    • Show selects the ShowMenu, with various ways to display objects on the stack, such as ShowBest, ShowSymbolic, ShowGraphical, ShowCompact.
    • The R/S keys is used for SPC (inserting a space) in alpha mode, and maps to Evaluate in direct mode.
    • Prgm inserts the delimiters for an RPL program, corresponding to « and ». Since these characters are missing from the standard DM42 character set, we will need a temporary workaround.
    • Catalog shows a complete context-sensitive catalog of all available functions, for auto-completion.

Soft menus

The DM42 has 6 dedicated soft-menu keys at the top of the keyboard. Most of the advanced features of DB48X can be accessed through these soft menus.

Menus are organized internally as a hierarchy, where menus can refer to other menus. A special menu, TopMenu, accessile via the Σ- key label (Shift-Σ+), contains all other menus.

Menus can contain up to 12 entries at once, 6 being directly accessible, and 6 more being shown when using the Shift key. Since function keys are designed for rapiid access to features, a right-shift access does not really make sense, since that would require a long press of the shift key. A long press on a function key invokes the on-line help for the associated function.

When a menu contains more than 12 entries (which rarely happens, built-in menus being designed to avoid that situation, but can happen for example for the VariablesMenu listing user variables), then the F6 function key turns into a ▶︎, and into when shifted. These keys can be used to navigate across the available menu entries.

For example:

  • A softkey menu containing 6 entries or less, such as the DirectoryPathMenu, which contains CurrentPath, CreateDir, PurgeDir, VariableList, TypedVariables and OrderVariables, would show (using short names for menu labels) as Path CrDir PgDir, Vars, TVars, Order. Since there are 6 entries or less, Shift has no effect.

  • A softkey menu containing between 6 and 12 entries, such as the MathMenu, would show the first six entries, VectorMenu, MatrixMenu, ListMenu, HyperbolicMenu, RealMenu, BasedNumbersMenu, showing in short form as Vectr, Matrx, List, Hyp, Real, Base. Hitting the Shift key would have the same effect as the NXT key on the HP48, showing the four remaining entries, ProbabilitiesMenu, FastFourierTransformMenu, ComplexMenu, ConstantsMenu, showing in short form as Proba, Fourier, Complex, Constants.

  • An ExampleMenu containing the spelling of thirty numbers in English would show One, Two, Three, Four and Five for keys F1 through F5, and for key F6. With Shift, it would show Six, Seven, Eigh, Nine, Ten and . Hitting with F6 would switch to the next ten elements, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen and , with Shift showing Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteenm Nineteen, Tzenty and . The Shift F6 key would return to the previous ten entries beginning with One, the F6 key would go to the next ten entries beginning with TwentyOne.

The Variables menu is special in the sense that selecting an entry evaluates that menu entry, while Shift recalls its name without evaluating it. This is one case where extended shift applies to a function key, and is used to directly store a value in the associated variable. As a result, at most 5 variables are shown at a time, the Shift state showing the variable name with tick marks, like 'X', and the long-shift state showing the variable name with a Store indicator, as in X.

For example, if the first variable is called X and contains the program « 1 + », then

  1. typing 3 and hitting F1 with show 4, having evaluted the program in X which adds one to the value on the stack. The associated label is X.

  2. After that, typing Shift-F1 will show 'X' in the menu, and put 'X' on the stack (if the text editor was active, it would type X in the editor instead).

  3. If you then type RCL, since the VariablesMenu is already active, that key will Recall the value of X, bringing the program « 1 + » on the stack.

  4. Typing 3, Shift-F1, then STO will store the value 3 in X, leaving only the program « 1 + » on the stack.

  5. Hitting F1 at that point will evaluate 3, leaving 3 on the stack.

  6. The X⇆Y key will then put 3 at level 2 on the stack, and the program ``« 1 + »` at level 1.

  7. A long-shift followed by F1 will store the program in X. The menu label changes to X

  8. Typing F1 once more will evaluate X now containing the incrementing program again, leaving 4 on the stack.

Some design differences with the original HP48

There are a number of intentional differences in design compared to the HP48:

  • DB48X will feature an extensive built-in help system. While this is not implemented yet in this repository, the code was already developed in a sibling newRPL-based project. The built-in help will combine the use of HTML files, rendered using DMCP's built-in help viewer, which will be used for high-level overview (and anything where links and advanced styling are useful), and a markdown-based per-command help system.

  • Inspired by newRPL, DB48X will feature auto-completion. Available auto-completions will show up in the Catalog menu. For example, typing LAST with the Catalog menu active will show all functions starting with Last, like LastX or LastMenu. The Catalog menu updates with each keystroke.

  • Many RPL words exist in short and long form, and a user preference selects how a program shows. For example, what the HP48 calls NEG can display, based on user preferences, as NEG, neg, Neg or Negate.

  • The DB48X dialect of RPL will not be case sensitive, but it will be case-respecting. For example, if your preference is to display built-in functions in long form, typing inv or INV will show up as Invert in the resulting program. If you have a named variable called FooBar, typing foobar will still show FooBar in the program.

  • Internally, the calculator will deal with various representations for numbers. Notably, it will keep integer values and fractions in exact form for as long as possible.

    • When adding 1 and 2, the internal representation of the result is an integer, which uses less memory and allows faster computations.

    • And integer will be promoted to a floating-point value only if you use a function that requires it, like exp.

    • Performing a division like 8 divided by 4 will result in an integer.

    • Performing a division between integers with a remainder will keep the result in reduced fraction form, for example 3/4 or 7/31.

  • The calculator will feature at least 3 floating-point precisions using 32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit respectively, as featured by the DM42 existing Intel Binary Decimal Floating-Point library.

    • Long-term, variable floating-point precision as in newRPL will probably be implemented.

    • The selection of which precision to use for floating-point numbers will be decided by the SetPrecision function when converting from integer or fraction.

    • The precision of numbers stored in a program will be based on user input. For example, storing 1.3 in a program will always use the 32-bit floating-point format, since it's sufficient for that number.

  • Based numbers like #123h keep their base, which makes it possible to show on stack binary and decimal numbers side by side. Mixed operations convert to the base in stack level X, so that #10d #A0h + evaluates as #AAh.

  • The storage of data in memory uses a denser format than on the HP48. Therefore, objects will almost always use less space on DB48X.

    • The most frequently used RPL functions and data types consume only one byte, as opposed to 5 nibbles, or 2.5 bytes, on HP's implementation.

    • No built-in command requires more than two bytes, as opposed to 2.5 bytes on HP's implementation.

    • Lengths are also coded more efficiently. For example, a string like "Hello" requires only 7 bytes on DB48X, as opposed to 10 bytes on an HP48.

  • The garbage collector is very simple, and moves objects in use only once per collection cycle. Memory allocation is also streamlined.

  • Support for algebraic-style programs, using a general parser derived from the XL programming language.

  • Several minor changes to RPL, e.g. using = for equality test in addition to ==, where == means "same object representation", and = means "mathematically equal" (thus, 0=-0 is true, but 0==-0 is false). In general, such changes will be documented in the help associated with each command.

  • Support for extended-precision integer and floating-point numbers, with at least 30+ digits decimal 128 (already working), ideally newRPL-style variable-precision floating-point computations.

  • DB48X borrows to the DM42 the idea of special variables, which are variables with a special meaning. For example, the Precision special variable is the current operating precision for floating point, in number of digits. While there is a SetPrecision command, it is also possible to use 'Precision' STO. This does not imply that there is an internal Precision variable somewhere. This is used for a number of settings.

  • All built-in soft-key menus are named, with names ending in Menu. For example, the VariablesMenu is the menu listing global variables in the current directory. There is no menu number, but the Menu special variable holds the name of the current menu, and LastMenu the name of the previous one.

  • The DB48X will also have provide full-screen setup menus, taking advantage of the DM42 existing system menus. It is likely that the same menu objects used for softkey menus will be able to control system menus, with a different function to start the interaction.

  • The whole banking and flash access storage mechanism of the HP48 will be replaced with a system that works well with FAT USB storage. It should be possible to directly use a part of the flash storage to store RPL programs directly, either in source or compiled form.

Other documentation

There is DMCP interface doc in progress see DMCP IFC doc (or you can download html zip from doc directory).

The source code of the DM42PGM program is also quite informative about the capabilities of the DMCP.