Update bubblewrap to 0.7.0
Update dwarfs to the latest git revision (3dfad5a)
Update zstd to 1.5.4
Update glibc to 2.37
Update boost to 1.81
Update all other outdated dependencies
Update bubblewrap to 0.6.2
Update squashfs-tools to 4.5.1
Update dwarfs to the latest git revision of the wip branch (which should speed up mount times on HDDs)
Update all other outdated libraries
The dwarfs utils are relatively large (~20 MB when extracted) and are not needed for squashfs-compressed images, so it's better to move them into a separate archive.
The integrated utils now include two squashfuse binaries: the one is for fuse2 and the second is for fuse3.
Conty will automatically use the fuse3 version if fuse3 is installed, otherwise it will use the fuse2 version.
Besides, glibc libs are now included and they are used for the integrated utils.
Which means that the integrated utils now don't depend on system-wide glibc and will work even on really old distros (like Ubuntu 12.04, for example), assuming that kernel version is new enough, of course.