#include #include #include #include #include #include #define BLANK 0 #define FRAME_DELAY 55 #define COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT 10 int board[4][4]; int score = 0; bool won = false; enum Direction { UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT }; enum MoveType { NOMOVE, MOVE, MERGE, WIN }; void delay(int ms) { /* delay the program by a given number of ms*/ clock_t start_time = clock(); while (clock() < start_time + (ms * 1000)) ; } void draw_grid() { /* draw the gridlines of the board */ attron(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT)); move(0, 0); printw(" "); move(0, 0); printw("Score: %d", score); // horizontal gridlines for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { move(a * 4 + 1, 0); int left_piece = ACS_LTEE; int middle_piece = ACS_PLUS; int right_piece = ACS_RTEE; if (a == 0) { // top row left_piece = ACS_ULCORNER; middle_piece = ACS_TTEE; right_piece = ACS_URCORNER; } else if (a == 4) { // bottom row left_piece = ACS_LLCORNER; middle_piece = ACS_BTEE; right_piece = ACS_LRCORNER; } addch(left_piece); for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < 7; m++) addch(ACS_HLINE); addch(middle_piece); } for (int n = 0; n < 7; n++) addch(ACS_HLINE); addch(right_piece); // vertical gridlines if (a != 4) { for (int n = 1; n < 4; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < 5; m++) { move(a * 4 + n + 1, m * 8); addch(ACS_VLINE); } } } } } void _addstr_centered(int tile_value) { /* draw the tile number so that it's centered */ int length = 1; if (tile_value != BLANK) { // calculate length of integer length = log10(tile_value) + 1; } switch (length) { case 1: printw(" %d ", tile_value); break; case 2: printw(" %d ", tile_value); break; case 3: printw(" %d ", tile_value); break; case 4: printw(" %d ", tile_value); break; } } void display_board() { /* display the board */ clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { int tile_value = board[i][j]; int color_pair = COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT; if (tile_value != BLANK) { color_pair = (int)log2(tile_value); } attron(COLOR_PAIR(color_pair)); move(i * 4 + 2, j * 8 + 1); addstr(" "); move(i * 4 + 3, j * 8 + 1); _addstr_centered(tile_value); move(i * 4 + 4, j * 8 + 1); addstr(" "); } } draw_grid(); refresh(); } void place_random() { /* place a "2" (90% chance) or a "4" (10% chance) somewhere random on the board */ int possible_positions[16][2]; int n = 0; // collect all free squares for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (board[i][j] == BLANK) { possible_positions[n][0] = i; possible_positions[n][1] = j; n++; } } } // choose one of the free squares at random int rindex = rand() % n; // choose a 2 or a 4 int rnum = rand() % 10; int num; if (rnum == 0) { num = 4; } else { num = 2; } board[possible_positions[rindex][0]][possible_positions[rindex][1]] = num; } void reset_board() { /* reset everything */ score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { board[i][j] = BLANK; } } place_random(); place_random(); } bool game_lost() { /* check if the game is lost */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { int tile_value = board[i][j]; if ((tile_value == BLANK) || (i != 3 && board[i + 1][j] == tile_value) || (j != 3 && board[i][j+1] == tile_value)) { return false; } } } return true; } enum MoveType move_tile(int row, int column, enum Direction direction, bool dont_merge) { /* attempt to move a tile in a direction, and return how it moved */ int tile_value = board[row][column]; if (tile_value == BLANK) { return NOMOVE; } int next_row = row; int next_column = column; switch (direction) { case RIGHT: next_column = column + 1; break; case LEFT: next_column = column - 1; break; case UP: next_row = row - 1; break; case DOWN: next_row = row + 1; break; } int next_value = board[next_row][next_column]; if (next_value == BLANK) { board[row][column] = BLANK; board[next_row][next_column] = tile_value; return MOVE; } else if (next_value == tile_value && !dont_merge) { board[row][column] = BLANK; int new_value = tile_value << 1; // lshift just for fun if (new_value == 2048) { won = true; return WIN; } board[next_row][next_column] = new_value; score += new_value; return MERGE; } else { return NOMOVE; } } int _tile_index(int row, int column) { /* map a tile's coords to a single index number */ return (row << 2) | column; } bool move_board(enum Direction direction) { /* move every tile on the board in a direction */ int row_start = 0; int row_increment = 1; int row_end = 4; int column_start = 0; int column_increment = 1; int column_end = 4; switch (direction) { case LEFT: column_start = 1; break; case RIGHT: column_start = 2; column_increment = -1; column_end = -1; break; case UP: row_start = 1; break; case DOWN: row_start = 2; row_increment = -1; row_end = -1; break; } bool merged[16] = {false}; // keeps track of which tiles have been merged (via index) int tile_index; bool moved = false; enum MoveType move_type; for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) { // tiles can move at max 3 spaces in one move for (int i = row_start; i != row_end; i += row_increment) { for (int j = column_start; j != column_end; j += column_increment) { tile_index = _tile_index(i, j); move_type = move_tile(i, j, direction, merged[tile_index]); if (move_type == WIN) { return true; } else if (move_type == MERGE) { // blocks the tile from being merged a second time merged[tile_index] = true; // also blocks off the next tile int next_row = i + ((direction == UP || direction == DOWN) ? row_increment * -1 : 0); int next_column = j + ((direction == RIGHT || direction == LEFT) ? column_increment * -1 : 0); int next_tile_index = _tile_index(next_row, next_column); merged[next_tile_index] = true; } else if (move_type != NOMOVE) { moved = true; } } } delay(FRAME_DELAY); display_board(); } return moved; } void init_color_255 (int colornum, int r, int g, int b) { /* same thing as init_color but using 0-255 instead of 0-1000 */ init_color(colornum, (r/255.0)*1000, (g/255.0)*1000, (b/255.0)*1000); } int main() { // initialize ncurses initscr(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); start_color(); // set color values // start at 8 as not to interfere with any of the default color codes init_color_255(8, 238, 227, 218); // 2 init_color_255(9, 238, 224, 201); // 4 init_color_255(10, 243, 178, 121); // 8 init_color_255(11, 246, 149, 99); // 16 init_color_255(12, 247, 124, 95); // 32 init_color_255(13, 246, 94, 58); // 64 init_color_255(14, 237, 208, 115); // 128 init_color_255(15, 237, 204, 97); // 256 init_color_255(16, 237, 199, 80); // 512 init_color_255(17, 237, 197, 62); // 1024 init_color_255(18, 190, 175, 157); // background // set color pairs for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { init_pair(i, COLOR_BLACK, i+7); } init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT, COLOR_BLACK, 18); attron(A_BOLD); attron(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT)); // initialize the rand() function time_t t; srand((unsigned) time(&t)); // set up the board reset_board(); while (true) { display_board(); int moved = false; int ch = getch(); switch (ch) { case KEY_UP: moved = move_board(UP); break; case KEY_DOWN: moved = move_board(DOWN); break; case KEY_LEFT: moved = move_board(LEFT); break; case KEY_RIGHT: moved = move_board(RIGHT); break; case 'r': reset_board(); default: continue; } if (moved) { place_random(); } if (game_lost() || won) { break; } } endwin(); if (won) { printf("Congratulations nerd, you won! Final Score: %d\n", score); } else { printf("You Lost! Final Score: %d\n", score); } return 1; }